Pogie Lite Features
Big things come in small packages
Created from necessity, we've ridden thousands of miles in brash weather and have come up with a perfect lite-weight and simple solution to warm and dry hands. Once your hands get cold, the rest of your body follows.
We are still blown away by how well Pogie Lites work in all the elements.
Keep your hands warm, but not too warm, and you'll be able to endure any weather Mother Nature throws at you.

What is a "Pogie"?
Pogies are an over-sized "wind-breaker-like mitten" that attaches to your handlebars.
The air inside the pogie creates a micro-climate that will keep your hands warm in most temperatures.
Pogies have been used for decades in extreme conditions for kayaking, cycling, skiing, motorcycles, snowmobiles and ATVs.
Most are overkill - too warm, too big, too stiff and not packable.
They cover the whole hand, grips, brakes and
Packed with Features
Pogie Lites are a 4-season super-lite-weight, water-resistant, wind-proof pogie that keeps the wind, rain and muck off your hands.
Works on straight, drop and flared, and Jones bars.
Brake and shift over the top of the Pogie Lites. In a gnarly downhill? Put your hands atop the pogies for ultimate control. This also acts as an insulation barrier from your bars and levers too (conduction).
Control your core hand temperature easily by sliding the pogie's position where you need it the most. Slide it over your whole hand, just your knuckles, your fingertips, roll it back or ride with your hands atop. The key is not letting your hands sweat.
Don't need them for part of your ride? Fold them back and store them on your bars, or take them off and put in a jersey pocket, frame or feed bag. If it rains or the night-time/morning chill gets ya, roll them back onto your bars. YEAH. It's that easy.
Using Pogie Lites help to keep your shifters, grips, hands and gloves clean and free of mud, dirt and debris.

Even More Features
We designed and tested Pogie Lites for months and have now used them for years in the Iowegian weather and feel we have the design, fit and finish nailed down!
Fits most bars and cables combinations
V3 is a little bigger than V1 and V2
Wind proof
Water Repellent
Lightweight - pair weighs 3 ounces!
Packable - Stuff them in a jersey pocket
Weather lip - roll the collar in if not needed
Behind Bars

Straight Bars

Drop Bars

Jones Bars
Special Sauce


Roll 'em back

Water Repellent

Drops and Hoods

Temp Control

Pull to close

Pogie Lites easily install over your grips and controls (brake lever and shifter).
They are secured to the bars via shock cord and a cord-lock. There is nothing else needed.
This offers all sorts of flexibility to stretch and wrap the shock cord around your bars and/or cables and then "lock it" into place over the cord-lock. This system is becoming standard on many cycling products.
For drop bars you can install on the hoods or flip and install on the drops. There is even a way with V3.0 to use your drops and hoods at the same time.
With such a simple installation process, it is really easy to switch bikes.
Pogie Lites are not a good fit for shifters with external cable routing from drop-bar hoods.
Please do not ask us to make individual modifications.
See the FAQ for more installation and compatibility details.
Pogie Lites V2 versus V3 Comparison
What's the difference between V2.0 and V3.0?
There was absolutely nothing wrong with V2. Scott likes to think and over-analyze functionality and usability and came up with some improvements.
- Size - V3 is larger across diagonally and in the hand opening (collar). Not by much, but just enough to make a difference. Larger gloves and bigger hands will fit easier and the larger opening gives more mobility room on drop bar hoods.
- Construction - V3 is now constructed in 3 segments - a body, a collar, and a gusset. the collar and gusset are a lighter fabric that is folded over to make a channel for the new shock cord attachment that replaces the V2 webbing. V3 uses better cord locks and has less exposed thread to the elements.
- Lefty/Righty - V3s are ambidextrous meaning they are the same unit for both the left and right sides. V2 had a left and a right based on the buckle and the label placement.
- Collar Opening - V2 had a tubing that would keep the collar open for your hand entry. V3 uses a binding. The binding is not as rigid as the tubing, but is more packable. Tubing can still be added to the Collar channel if you want a more stiff collar opening.
- More - There are lots more subtle construction and sewing enhancements, but these are the differences that make a difference.

An Iowa Product
Every pair of Pogie Lites is cut, sewn, assembled and shipped in Central Iowa, by the same folks that bring you BIKEIOWA.com. Pogie Lites are made in small batches.
Scott never intended to created a product like this. He wanted something to keep his hands warm and dry for his races. It's now his passion project to make sure your hands are warm and dry.
We pride ourselves for keeping a product "Made in the USA".
Pogie Lite Love
We LOVE seeing cyclists from around the globe using Pogie Lites.
Pogie Lites exist in all 50 USA states and 30+ countries including Norway, Sweden, Australia, Tasmania, Bolivia, UK, Germany, Ukraine, England, France, Finland, Russia, Mexico and Canada.
Word-of-mouth works wonders in the bike packing, ultra-racing and commuting genres. We know what works.